In this undulating underwater world, our friendly Madame Octopus, who has one eye strategically and fashionably covered by a cooperative and charming blue sea urchin, is simply bursting with delicate tendrils of dotted hair flowing rhythmically off her many limbs. She hopes all of this will make up for her rather boring nose. This 60 piece round jigsaw puzzle features the hidden quote, "Love without limits" and comes in a sturdy round cardboard gift box. Finished Diameter: 7"
In this undulating underwater world, our friendly Madame Octopus, who has one eye strategically and fashionably covered by a cooperative and charming blue sea urchin, is simply bursting with delicate tendrils of dotted hair flowing rhythmically off her many limbs. She hopes all of this will make up for her rather boring nose. This 60 piece round jigsaw puzzle features the hidden quote, "Love without limits" and comes in a sturdy round cardboard gift box. Finished Diameter: 7"
Fusce ornare mi vel risus porttitor dignissim. Nunc eget risus at ipsum blandit ornare vel sed velit. Proin gravida arcu nisl, a dignissim mauris placerat
Fusce ornare mi vel risus porttitor dignissim. Nunc eget risus at ipsum blandit ornare vel sed velit. Proin gravida arcu nisl, a dignissim mauris placerat